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In a folding scenario, the twistor (u,u) is a class of complex structures assumed from stew choreography.

The total number of twistor classes (f) is derived from the following superalgebra 2^(d-1)/2, where d=11 gives the required thirty-two (32) generators of supersymmetry coordinated in twistor space [which is of the bilinear form (2,2)]. That is to say [(2^k + 2^k) ≡ 2^12], where k is d(=11), for a total of f=4,096.


Notes (+): + Supremum of 4,096 / Infimum of 2,048.

+ All twistors are assumed to be fit.

Function map: stews --> twistor classes

See also

Analogue: twistor theory
